Are you looking to integrate naturopathic medicine therapies into your conventional oncology plan? 

Having a team of well-trained practitioners provides you with multiple avenues of support for mind, body, and spirit to ease the cancer treatment process. Over the course of my career, I have seen the consistent benefits of incorporating safe and appropriate naturopathic medicine recommendations for those experiencing a cancer diagnosis.

Integrative Oncology Support Tulsa


After graduating from naturopathic medical school, I completed a 2-year residency program focused on naturopathic and integrative oncology care at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Over the course of 5 years, I was able to work with thousands of people in this hospital-based system to provide guidance on optimal lifestyle recommendations for their specific cancer diagnosis, reduce side effects of their cancer treatment, improve quality of life, and support their immune system if applicable.  I worked with nearly every kind of adult cancer diagnosis, however, my specialty was with the integrative teams that focused on supporting most of the breast cancer, all GI tract cancers (colon, pancreatic, etc), and prostate cancer diagnoses.

Now I provide integrative oncology services at my private practice, Vibrant Natural Medicine, in Jenks, Oklahoma.  Incorporating naturopathic medicine into your care plan can help improve quality of life, reduce conventional treatment side effects, and restore balance to the body and immune system to decrease the likelihood of cancer recurrence.

The internet is full of inaccurate information pertaining to alternative cancer treatments and certain natural therapies can interact with oncology treatments, so it is vital you work with a licensed and well-trained naturopathic doctor.  With over 5 years of experience in an oncology-based hospital setting and being board certified in naturopathic oncology with the designation of FABNO (Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology), I consider the field of integrative oncology care as one of my main specialties.

Along with supporting people through their cancer treatment, I passionately educate and discuss the importance of prevention.  With cancer being such a prevalent diagnosis, it is imperative to take a preventative approach with our lifestyle.  Incorporating naturopathic medicine therapies into your life can be a great way to support optimal health and prevent chronic disease manifestation.

Naturopathic Medicine Oncology Pricing + How it Works:

You schedule an initial Naturopathic Medicine Oncology Consultation
During the initial consultation, we will thoroughly review your current state of wellness, answer questions and begin tailoring a plan to get you back to feeling like your most vibrant self.

DURATION: 60 – 90 minutes   INVESTMENT: $345 (Includes first follow-up visit up to 15 minutes)

Follow-up visits with the Doctor by phone or in person are charged by the current rate for length of visit.

Available In Office Treatment visits after your initial Naturopathic Medicine Oncology Consultation.
DURATION: 45 – 60 minutes         INVESTMENT: $90

Packages of 5 follow-up treatment visits are available for $375 (savings of $75)!

Take your first steps on your path to a vibrant, healthier you by scheduling your initial Naturopathic Medicine consultation by calling me at 918-995-7001.
A few other ways we can work together and get you back to being your most vibrant self!

Click here for more information on Thyroid Imbalance

Click here for more information on Digestive Health

Click here for more information on Women’s Health and Natural Hormone Balancing

Click here for more information on Naturopathic Medicine

Click here for more information on Chronic Fatigue

Click here for more information on Autoimmune Conditions

Click here for more information on Acupuncture Services


Vibrant Natural Medicine – Dr. Sara Gomendi

Naturopathic Doctor – Tulsa, OK